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Tax Advisors
A Part of Crossroads Tax & Business Services
$25 Pastor Tax Prep Fee! Really?
How can that be?
We are offering the option for a pastor to do their own federal and state income taxes for $25.00! We do this with advising caution! Pastor's taxes are completely different that regular taxes. We have found very few pastors that can do this. For this rate of $25.00, we are not preparing your taxes but are referring you to the website of We have a video that we would suggest you view before considering doing your own taxes (Click here)
If you feel confident on doing your own taxes, then please click here.
If it does not work out, we would be glad to help you with very competitive fees.
Other Services
Other Services Listed at
Clergy Tax Preparation
Provide highly discounted clergy tax preparation services up to 50% or more off your local tax firm's rates!
Nationwide Service for all 50 states
Focused on the small to medium church averaging 50-500 in attendance (Although we have much larger churches as clients.)
Church Tax Compliance
Consulting Services for Church Tax & Financial Compliance (From Startup to maintaining compliance for federal and state laws.)
Areas Covered (Not All)
1. Pastor Compensation Package Design
2. Housing Allowance
3. Fringe Benefit Design
4. Church Tax & Financial Compliance Analysis (In over 21 different areas.) To get a copy please click here.
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